Why should you join Mesaicos?
Joining Mesaicos is great way to get to know new friends by playing a team sport. To join Mesaicos means more then playing hockey, it means joining a field hockey team with all sorts of social activities. Also off the pitch. The teams consist of students, post-grads, expats and everything in between from a large variety of nationalities. By having a unique combination of both competitive hockey and our fun trim sessions we offer both field hockey that advanced and novice players can join.
Enjoyment is central to the Mesaicos ethos, and we strive to make sure that everyone, regardless of ability or experience, will find something at the club to keep them entertained.
At Mesaicos, you can work on your fitness while you develop your field hockey skills. You will also be able to play tournaments in Sweden (with the TEAM membership), rent sticks and borrow equipment.
We have members from over 10 different countries (and counting) – a truly multicultural club!
Whole year
We are proud to be able to offer training sessions all year round. In winter, we focus on indoor hockey but transition to playing outdoors once the weather gets warmer.

Choose the membership option that best suits you
SEK 800
A membership to join both the trim and team sessions during one semester. Meet fellow hockey enthusiasts during your semester abroad from all other universities.
This discount is applicable if you only stay in Sweden for 6 months or less (e.g. exchange students)
Indoor – SEK N/A
Outdoor – SEK 700
This membership is for players that enjoy playing hockey on a regular basis, but do want to focus on having fun, rather than competition.
Weekly training in small matches with focus on participation and fun. A great way to get familiar with field hockey and get to know more hockey enthusiasts on and off the pitch.
Indoor Ladies- SEK 850
Indoor Men – SEK 1250
Outdoor – SEK 850
Senior membership suits people who want to actively develop their skills and focus on matches and competitive hockey.
Weekly training session by a trainer with focus on skill, tactics and stamina.
Includes official matches played against other clubs around Sweden through the SWE3 league. Both regional and national.
Annual Membership – SEK 500
Membership for youth players in Mesaicos.
What do our members think?
When we started Mesaicos to play more hockey in Sweden, we could have never dreamed that this could have become such a success. Over the years the clubs has had many successes and a very stable member base
Former board member
Mesaicos has been more then just a hockey club to me. I have met a lot of people here that became really good friends
Current member
Mesaicos is a club for players of all skill levels. It’s fun even for starters like me, and 1 year after joining I became skilled enough to play in matches.