Terms for Membership at MESAICOS
- When you sign up as a Member for Solna Landhockeyförening MESAICOS (further named as “MESAICOS”) you will be a Member until you resign from the club. While being a member you will be invoiced for the membership fee on an annual basis. That fee will be invoiced during the spring invoicing period. If you sign up later than the spring period, you will be invoiced immediately. If you wish to resign from being a Member of MESAICOS, you can do so by logging in to your profile and set your membership status from Active to Resigned. By signing up, you will become a Member for a full field hockey year (1st of March to February 28th of the following year). After that year, your Membership is automatically prolonged for the next year, unless you resign from the club. If you do not want to be a member for the following year, you have to resign before the 15th of March. Membership fees can be removed in agreement with the board. An administrative fee will apply.
- Every player that plays at MESAICOS has to be insured to play field hockey at one of our activities and at any other hockey-related event organized by MESAICOS (insurance details are determined by SLHF). This means every player has to register him/herself at MESAICOS before participating in any activity. If you are new to the club, you can try hockey two times without registering yourself. Note: The membership fee is determined at the annual general assembly. The activity fees are set by the board of MESAICOS.
- The member confirms his registration by paying the membership fee. This is a formal agreement between the player and S.L.F. MESAICOS to be an official member for one year.
- Activities in the club can be booked individual and per term. You can book activities through the membership system by logging in and ticking them in the checkboxes. If you do not change or remove your activity checkmark for the following season, you will automatically be signed up for the activity. Activity fees can be removed after the billing period in agreement with the board.
- The member confirms his participation in the activities for one term by paying the membership fee. This is a formal agreement between the player and S.L.F. MESAICOS to be entitled to participate in the activities for one term.
- The hockey club MESAICOS is based on the work of voluntary members, therefore every member is asked to take duty in the club. There are many small and some larger tasks, where many of them can be done with a low time effort. Please select during signup what task you want to do (for more info check the MESAICOS duties). If you do not want to take a duty, you can choose to pay a small fee instead. During the first year of membership, members do not need to take duty in the club but are encouraged to do so on a voluntary basis. The obligation to take duties in the club does not apply for members of the youth section, the parents of youth members are encouraged to take an active role in supporting the club at events and youth practices.
- Invoices will be sent out twice during the year. In the spring and in the autumn term. The spring invoice will cover outdoor senior team participation and trim hockey outdoors. The autumn invoice will cover trim hockey indoors and indoor senior team participation. Changes in the billing cycle can be made by the decision of the board. It will be announced when new fees are set and when the billing period is, in case you intend to resign from MESAICOS, please update your membership before the billing period.
- Membership fees and activity fees are according to the information on the website (Fees). The activity fees are set prior to every billing period by the board of MESAICOS. The fees will be announced in advance. If you want to change your membership status or the activities for a term after the billing period, an administrative fee according to our fees is taken out.
- If you need to borrow a hockey stick from the club you will get a personal stick for a season with an individual number. You can choose to store that stick at the hockey club on your responsibility. After the season it is the members’ duty to return the stick to the club. Otherwise, the member will be invoiced for a replacement stick.
- In order to participate in official matches with MESAICOS, you have to either buy or borrow your match kit for MESAICOS. For borrowing a kit a fee will apply. For one time participants, exceptions can be made.
Rules regarding unpaid invoices
- When a member receives the first bill to pay the fees, he/she has one month to pay.
- If the member does not pay, a reminder is sent one month after the first bill was sent with the additional fine* to the payment.
- If a member still does not pay within a month, a second reminder will be sent. This will happen one month after the first reminder was sent and will come with an additional fine*.
- After receiving the second reminder, the member has one week to pay before the member is banned from playing until the outstanding bill has been settled.
- For the members still having outstanding bills from a previous season, the following has been decided: You will receive one more reminder to pay the bill after which you will get exactly one week to pay before you receive a playing ban.